aerial of river in desert

Resources From MASS

  • CEMA & EW Support
  • Defence & Security


Get a faster, accurate view of the full electromagnetic spectrum with the CEMA edition of our trusted database management system, THURBON.

Case study document dover image of police force
  • Digital Services

Law Enforcement Case Study

By automating the process of gathering and formatting data for reports we reduced the task time by 80%.

MMASS Countermeasure whitepaper cover
  • White Papers

Countermeasure Development in an AI Age

Mass Cyber Security brochure cover
  • White Papers

Design Thinking For Cyber Security

Mass Data Services whitepaper document cover
  • CEMA & EW Support
  • Defence & Security
  • White Papers

THURBON Whitepaper

Mass Mission Data Support white-paper cover page
  • CEMA & EW Support
  • Defence & Security
  • White Papers

Mission Data Support in an AI Age

Mass Lessons Support Service document cover
  • MASS Lessons Support Service

MASS Lesson Support Service

Our bespoke service is designed for your needs and integrates fully with your processes, focusing on three areas: people, process and tools.

Operations planning brochure cover
  • Training Support

Introduction to Joint Operations Planning

The aim of this online course is to develop participants’ understanding of the UK Operational Level Planning Process. This course is intended for military staff as well as staff from other government departments and agencies, including the Police.

digital services brochure cover
  • Digital Services

Digital Services Brochure

We think innovatively to provide tailored, agile and resilient solutions that secure advantage, so you’re ready for digital transformation.

defence services brochure cover
  • CEMA & EW Support
  • Defence & Security

Defence Services Brochure

Services for the defence industry.

cyber security brochure cover page
  • Digital Services
  • White Papers

Design Thinking For Cyber Security Solutions

A MASS case study in the automotive industry.

data services factsheet cover page
  • Digital Services

Data Services Factsheet

Using the latest cloud technology and data science tools, our analysts work with you to provide data insight and business intelligence that improves performance.

battleye cover image
  • CEMA & EW Support
  • Defence & Security

Battleye Factsheet

BATTLEYE determines the probability of effective communications by accessing the impact of terrain, elevation and power supply requirements.

thurbon cover image
  • CEMA & EW Support
  • Defence & Security

THURBON Factsheet

Quality data for mission planning.

Newts factsheet cover image
  • CEMA & EW Support
  • Defence & Security

NEWTS Factsheet

NEWTS creates a realistic simulated environment enabling air, land and maritime electromagnetic environment personnel to be better prepared for deployed operations.

counterworx cover image
  • CEMA & EW Support
  • Defence & Security

CounterWorX Factsheet

MASS’ CounterWorX suite of tools enables defence and civilian organisations to conduct countermeasures development, and virtually model dangerous and complex operational scenarios to optimise survivability from lethal engagements when learnings are deployed in the field.

earth from space with cities lit up

Take the next step and turn your data into operational advantage

View our full suite of services by downloading our brochure or talk to one of our experts today.

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